The Best Strategy for Reducing Stress

At Harvard Business Review, Peter Bregman says the best stress-reducing strategy is to either change the reality around you or change your expectations.

No. Your best strategy is to confront this reality —

You typically play a role in nearly half the things that stress you:

  • That frustrating employee? You hired him.
  • That difficult employee you inherited? You perpetuated an environment where he could continue being so stressful.
  • That frustrating peer, department or boss? You played a role in allowing that relationship to become sour — and stressful.

It’s important you understand the role you play in your stressors. Only then will you understand that your best strategy for reducing stress is to prevent it.

And your best strategy for preventing such stressors is to master the art of asking yourself the right questions. Up front.

The leading source
of stress, mistakes and problems in business
is the failure to ask the right questions.
Register now to master the art of asking questions.

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