the price of choosing ordinary

The effort expended and the punishment endured in remaining ordinary often exceed the effort and grief requisite for the attainment of a most marked achievement.

Eric Hoffer said that.

Why then do most choose to remain ordinary? Here’s the stark reality …

When you choose to remain ordinary, the mistakes you make and the problems you encounter consume you. In fact, they trigger dominoes of problems that typically take months, years, even decades to recover from.

Here are two examples —

Intuit, which lost a decade.

And Microsoft, which also lost a decade.

It’s painful to watch companies as well as individuals throwing away so much of their time — without even realizing it — just because they choose to remain ordinary.

How much time are you squandering — without realizing it — because you choose to remain ordinary?

Time to move up to extraordinary. It’s a whole lot easier.

Aman Motwane

4 responses to “the price of choosing ordinary”

  1. W. McCook says:

    I remember you saying, “being extraordinary is actually easier than remaining ordinary” in your keynote. A woman at our table snickered when you said that. The woman next to her shushed her with “maybe you should pay attention.” I thought you’d get a chuckle out of that. Great talk, by the way. Spot on.

  2. David Machine says:

    I learned a lot from this post, great help for me, thank you!

  3. Carolyn Broderick says:

    This is great. And true. These words should jolt all of us.

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